Articles are Invited for Volume-XI Issue-II (July 2025 to December 2025)
JSS Journal for Legal Studies and Research (JSSJLSR) is a centre for development in legal research under initiative of RESEARCH GROUP-ORGAN (ORGANISING RESEARCH GROUP FOR ANALYSIS AND NOVELTY). Each issue covers review articles on various legal aspects, and also publishes full length reviews related to different subjects in law and that is of broad readership interest to users in legal field.
All contribution to the journal are reviewed by peer review process and copy editing process with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Author/s is/are responsible for all statements made in their work and obtaining necessary permission to republish any previously published illustrations and/or other relevant materials. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents.

- The JSSJLSR will cover ONLY INVITED REVIEW ARTICLES related to legal subjects including some of the allied subjects. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference.
- If you wish to write a review for the journal, please send details of the topics you wish to review along with your credentials in the subject to Chief Editor Prof.K.S.Suresh who can be reached at
- JSSJLSR provides an arena to interact and exchange information in order to extend and progress legal knowledge and improve collaboration between different generations of legalist nationwide.
- To hear the voice of young law professionals about present concerns through regular input into policy and decision-making.
JSS Journal for Legal Studies and Research (JSSJLSR) identifies the needs of Students, academicians, Young Graduates, and Professionals:
- To assist in worldwide higher legal education opportunities.
- To contribute to the overall development of society by inculcating researching skills among stakeholders.
- To promote publishing of articles, books and any other innovative works relating to law.
- To build up rapport and alliance with other professional organizations.
- To spread the awareness of legal Profession in society.
- Manuscripts must be in English and should be sent by email to Chief Editor. The preferred maximum length for Article is 6000-9000 words; Essay 4000-5000 words and Book Review/ Note /Comment 2000-3000 words. Your manuscript should be in Word format, double-spaced in Times New Roman, font size 12 and justified.
- The prescribed word limits are inclusive of footnotes and contributors are expected to strictly conform to them.
Provide a Title Page, containing the manuscript title, names and affiliations of all contributing authors, and contact details of the Corresponding Author.
- Include an abstract of approximately 200-250 words.
- Pages must be numbered.
- Two levels of subheadings should be used: the first in bold and the second in italic.
- Subheadings are not to be numbered or lettered.
- All footnotes must be in Times New Roman, size 10, single-spacing and justified. The Rules of Citation are generally derived from The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (19th Edition).
- Once you have ensured that you have met all of the above requirements, please submit your manuscripts by email to
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Review on the Topic mentioned in title
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements (If any)
- References
- Tables and/or Figures (if any)
- Notes (If any)
- A brief summary of the review topic. The abstract should include a brief introduction, a description of the hypothesis tested, the approach used to test the hypothesis, the results seen and conclusion of the work.
- No more than six keywords. Write specific keywords. They should be arranged alphabetically in 12pt Times Roman, and the line must begin with the words Keywords bold faced.
- It shall focus on Description of the research area, pertinent background information. The introduction should provide sufficient background information such that a scientifically literate reader can understand and appreciate the experiments to be described.
- This section should relate the results section to current understanding of the problems being investigated in the field. Description of relevant references to other work/s in the field should be included here.
- This section also allows you to discuss the significance of your results. This section should end with new answers/questions that arise as a result of your work or with the conclusions.
- Tables–
Each table must start on a separate sheet. They should be numbered with Roman numerals according to their sequence in the text, and have a short self-explanatory heading. Authors should keep in mind the page layout of the journal when designing tables. Tables that fit onto one printed page are preferred. Detailed explanations of symbols, units, and abbreviations should follow below the table. - Table and Figure captions-
Figure and table captions should be included at the end of the manuscript. Figure captions/legends should include a statement at the end of each caption/legends about reproduction size (e.g. at full page width, at column width). They should be double spaced and typed in the journal format. Explanations should be brief and authors should keep in mind that captions/legends will be placed below figures.
- JSS Journal of Legal Studies and Research publishes papers that are judged and peer reviewed by team of expert reviewers.
- Types of articles include original research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, and letters.
- JSS Journal of Legal Studies and Research aims at rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining rigorous review process.
- The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in JSSJLSR are originality, innovative and scientific importance and interest.
- Each article published by JLSR is open access, and full text is displayed on and freely available to thousands of researchers, faculties, students.
- JSSJLSR ensures that published article will be properly displayed and available for readers for the many generations to come.
- Publication fee
The JSS Journal of Legal Studies and Research accepts submissions throughout the year. Articles, Notes, Essay, Book Review and Comments for publication in JSSJLSR may be submitted at anytime.
But for each issue, only those articles, notes and comments submitted on or before the last date of submission prescribed for that issue would be considered.
Submissions made after the last date of submission will be considered for subsequent issues. The schedule for considering the submissions for publication is as follows:
Issue Period : January – June
Last Date Of Submission : March 31st
Issue Period : July – December
Last Date Of Submission : September 30th