JSSLC Research Policy
JSS Law College, Autonomous is striving to inculcate Continuous Legal Research mind-set amongst the faculty members and students. To achieve the said goal, the initiatives are as follows:
Research Group –ORGAN (Organizing Research Group for Analysis and Novelty) is functioning towards the promotion of research and involving students and faculty in developing the research skills.

JSS Journal for Legal Studies and Research (JSSJLSR) is a center for development in legal research under initiative of Research Group-Organ (Organizing Research Group for Analysis and Novelty). Each issue covers reviewed articles on various socio- legal aspects and also publishes full length reviews related to different subjects in law which is of broad readership interest to users in legal field.
Introduction of Seminar paper for 3 Years & 5 Years LL.B courses respectively. Students are permitted to select the topics of their choice in legal arena to enhance their research aptitude & skills. Dissertation and Project works are introduced for LL.M programme. Further, the research activities include:
• Encourages the members of the faculty to pursue research programmes.
• To provide facility of the library and internet to maximum extent.
• The college provides need based financial support for those who are pursuing research.
• Three faculties have completed Ph.D three members of the faculty have obtained M.Phil degree and few members of the faculty are doing research. Faculty pursuing research is provided with various facilities including leave with monetary compensation.
• All facilities are provided for research and development. 1% of the budget is earmarked for research activities.
• In the UG level, a course titled ‘Legal Methods and Research’ has been introduced to develop research skills and abilities. For the Master degree, Research Methodology is a mandatory course.
• A research group is constituted to do research on current topics, debating issues and live problems.
A Research committee has been constituted. There is a group of students who are interested in pursuing research as a special interest. In order to inculcate the idea of Research & Empirical study the students are encouraged to take up a Co-Curricular Activities known as Extensional Activities.
- The college is conducting a regular legal clinic to counsel members of the community in the neighbourhood villages.
- A special cell consisting of a member of the teaching staff, practicing advocates and students is instituted. Legal Literacy and Awareness of the students are taken to slums, villages and tribal areas to develop legal literacy and awareness among the common folk.
- Legal Aid Students visit selected villages to conduct legal surveys to know various kinds of cases. Many cases are referred to District Legal Aid Authority, Negotiations and conciliation is initiated between the disputants.
- We are conducting regular workshops in relation to protection of Environment, Consumer Rights and Human Rights. Seminars are held regularly for both teachers and students separately. Resource persons are invited to deliver lecture and to give demonstration.
- Hither to we have conducted seminars on ‘Forensic Medicine’, ‘Nuclear Blasts’, Food Adulteration, Environmental Laws, etc.
- Orientation Programme At the beginning of the year a comprehensive orientation programme is conducted to the fresher’s to initiate them to the legal course.
- In the 20 years of its service, not even a single case of ragging has been found in our college. Spoken English classes are conducted to develop the confidence and comprehension for the students coming from backward and other regional areas. Language Classes are also conducted.
- The effort of the institution can be successful when the abilities, capacities or the students are given many fold opportunities and experiences.
- Activities of the students are to be directed to a definite purpose.
- Mere classroom leaching will not be sufficient to develop overall multi-dimensional growth of the individual students.
- The cultural and intellectual talents have to be recognized and tapped.
- Dhrushti, a fortnightly wall magazine of the college is a programme in this direction.
- It is edited and written in hand by the students of the college. On this magazine, articles on legal and general subjects are published.
- The students of our college consider it as the voice of the students to express their liberal and radical opinion and views. Budding poets are encouraged.
- Profiles of the teachers and the persons in news are also published.
- This experiment has been conducted successfully for the past six years.
- Prizes are also given for the best articles.
- The editorial committee of the wall magazine also conducts literary and cultural competitions.
- Moot Court training is an important part of any law institution. This training equips a law student to cope successfully with the strains of profession in the courts of law.
- The training imparts several essential skills such as Research, data analysis, framing of the issues and contentions, examining and cross-examining and presenting the arguments.
- The training enables the student to learn the science of drafting of conveyances, pleadings and memorials. As per the BCI norms the college has introduced Moot Court Training as a Practical subject for the final year students of the new Integrated Semester course.
- Besides giving this training, a supporting system of Mooting also becomes “necessary to recognize and motivate talents of Advocacy.
- Henceforth, a Moot Club has constituted in the year 1999. This club has a membership of all the interested students of the college. At the beginning of the academic year they “form a team of office bearers to facilitate the smooth conduction of Moot Court activities.
- The main objectives of the Moot Club are:
To hold interclass moot competitions.
To conduct inter college moot competitions.
To select and train teams to represent the college at various state, national and international moot competitions.
To train the student to prepare memorials for the competition by extensive research.
To install a spirit of teamwork and organizational leadership abilities.
To motivate the student to do collective research and material analysis.
- The College conducts a regular aid clinic to counsel members of the community in the neighbourhood villages.
- A special cell, consisting of members of the faculty, practicing advocates and students, is constituted.
- The Mysore Citizens’ Advisory Bureau (MYCAB) is a new initiative of the JSS Law College promoted in partnership with Consumers Rights Education and Awareness Trust (CREAT) Bengaluru, JSSMVP and Mysore District Legal Services Authority.
- These organizations have come forward to equip the citizens with necessary information and skills required to speak and advocate for themselves.
- The primary object of MYCAB is to assist citizens in accessing in various benefits provided by the state by way of providing information, guidance and counselling.
- The students are taken to slums, villages and tribal areas to develop legal literacy and awareness among the common folk.
- Students visit selected villages to conduct legal surveys to know various kinds of cases.
- Many cases are referred to District Legal Aid Authority, Negotiations and conciliation is initiated between the disputants.
- Regular workshops are conducted in relation to protection of Environment, Customer Rights and Human Rights. The Institution, in association with CEERA of National Law School of India University, Bangalore regularly conducts workshops and seminars on Environmental aspects to the elected members of the local self-governments, like Zilla Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat, Grama Panchayat, City Municipal Corporations and Town Municipalities.
- Seminars are held regularly. Resource persons are invited to deliver lecture and to give demonstration.
- Hither to, we have conducted seminars on ‘Forensic Medicine’, ‘Nuclear Blasts’, ‘Food Adulteration’, ‘Environmental Laws’ & others.
- At the beginning of the year a comprehensive orientation program is conducted to fresh entrants to initiate them to the legal course.
- Orientation program and Faculty Development Program are also being conducted for the teachers to equip and update themselves.
- Special classes are conducted in English and Computer Science for students from rural areas so that they can compete with their urban counterparts.
- (Debating Society-students Initiatives) The chief and pivotal role of lawyers is to talk, speak, discuss and DEBATE.
- That is the very reason of existence of the Debating Society in our college, also known as DebSoc by its members.
- The Debating Society of our college is however quite different from the other clubs in the college.
- It is an autonomous organ in our autonomous college and is solely run by the students.
Objectives: The prime objective of the debating society is to inculcate among students the ability to express their opinions without fear and to keep them updated about the current affairs. - The basic functioning of the Debating Society is where we give a ‘Motion’ for each week, mostly on one of the contemporary burning issues, be it political, economic, social or legal, and conduct a conventional debate every Thursday, at 5.00 PM.
- All the members present have to compulsorily speak for 5 minutes maximum or any other time specified by the proposer of the motion. Nobody is excused from speaking.
- The motion can be proposed by any of the members. Other than the conventional debates, there are also other activities viz, parliamentary debates, negotiations, etc.
- Activities can be anything and are given on spot thus not giving any time to prepare for.
- This society has shaped and moulded people in unexplainable ways, where we have learnt things we never thought could have, by focusing only on classroom lectures.
- It has made us come out of our closed shells, overcome our stage fear and made us do one thing very confidently, that lawyers are supposed to do, SPEAK UP!